
Gynofit Lactic Acid Vaginal Gel

Bacterial vaginosis, vaginal infections, yeast infections – pain, itching, burning, unpleasant-smelling discharge…problems in the vaginal area can have many possible causes. Often, the balance of the natural vaginal flora has been upset and cannot regenerate quickly enough. You can help this process along with Gynofit Lactic Acid Vaginal Gel.

The essentials at a glance:

  • Effective against itching, burning and unpleasant odours
  • Regulates the pH value
  • Restores balance of the vaginal flora
  • Comes in a practical hygienic applicator
  • Compatible with condoms

Gynofit Lubricating Vaginal Gel

Dry skin in the vaginal area is often caused by hormonal changes. Gynofit Lubricating Vaginal Gel replaces the missing moisture. Enjoy your body, your sexuality – and just feel well all round.

Gynofit Vaginal Gel moistens the dry skin in the vaginal area continuously. Using the hygienic disposable applicator, apply the gel (preferably during the day) inside the vagina, where you can rely on it to stick – no annoying leaking. The symptoms subside within 4 to 6 hours and typical symptoms of dryness such as tautness, itching and burning are relieved. It also strengthens the vaginal flora. You can even use the gel over long periods of time.

The essentials at a glance:

  • Immediate relief from vaginal dryness (e.g. due to hormonal changes, menopause, etc.)
  • Hormone-free
  • Colourless and odourless
  • Suitable for long-term use
  • Also suitable for use in combination with condoms (lubricating gel)

Gynofit Mild Wash Lotion cleanses and protects

Two in one – that’s what you get with Gynofit Wash Lotion. In contrast to alkaline soap, this extra-mild wash lotion has exactly the right pH value for the vaginal area. It does not affect the protective acid mantle, dry out the skin in the vagina, irritate the skin in the external vaginal area, or upset the balance in the vaginal climate. The pure pleasure of washing, pure hygiene and pure strengthening support provided by lactic acid!

The essentials at a glance:

  • Contains lactic acid, which strengthens the naturally healthy vaginal climate
  • Does not contain any soap or dyes
  • Dermatologically tested
  • So your daily intimate hygiene routine strengthens the vaginal flora rather than weakening it (soap!)
  • Suitable for long-term daily use


Χωρίς άρωμα για την καθημερινή υγιεινή της ευαίσθητης περιοχής

Το Gynofit / Λοσιόν Καθαρισμού χωρίς άρωμα είναι μία απαλή λοσιόν καθαρισμού για τη καθημερινή περιποίηση της ευαίσθητης περιοχής. Περιέχει γαλακτικό οξύ που είναι ένα φυσικό συστατικό της κολπικής χλωρίδας το οποίο διατηρεί τις τιμές του pH σε φυσιολογικά επίπεδα.  Δεν περιέχει σαπούνι, δεν ξηραίνει την ευαίσθητη περιοχή και δίνει μια αίσθηση φρεσκάδας. 
Χρησιμοποιείται καθημερινά για τη διατήρηση της φυσιολογικής χλωρίδας & φρεσκάδας του γυναικείου κόλπου.   

Δερματολογικά ελεγμένο – Συστήνεται από γυναικολόγους – Χρήση εξωτερική.

*Απόλυτα απαλή & φυσική σύνθεση δίχως άρωμα που χαρίζει υγεία & φρεσκάδα.

1 συσκευασία περιέχει ένα μπουκαλάκι των 200ml

Όταν η αίσθηση φρεσκάδας & η καθημερινή περιποίηση της ευαίσθητης περιοχής, ανεξάρτητα από την ύπαρξη κολπικών προβλημάτων είναι πρωτεύον ζήτημα, τότε η λύση είναι η Λοσιόν Καθαρισμού Gynofit με ήπιο άρωμα ή χωρίς.

Gynofit Intimate Hygiene Oil

Dry skin in the vaginal area – this can have various causes. This phenomenon is often related to a change in the hormonal balance. Gynofit Intimate Hygiene Oil provides a remedy for skin dryness. Your skin feels ultra-soft while the increase in lactic acid bacteria also boosts immunity.

The essentials at a glance:

  • Rapid, reliable relief for irritation in the external vaginal area
  • The lactic acid supports the pH balance
  • With valuable jojoba oil and vitamin E
  • Protects in general against cracks and damage in the external vaginal area
  • Soothes skin following shaving and prevents skin irritation